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9th June 2021
Thanks to restrictions lifting slightly we are now welcoming passengers outside of your household in your car and offering in car instruction and helmet hire. We are however still asking guests not to bring spectators in order to keep the general numbers at events down.
The signing on and briefing process will continue online.
Face masks must also still be worn in all buildings including our inflatable signing on tent at airfield events.
12th October 2020
We are still facing challenging times in England at the moment but as a company we are thrilled at how our COVID-19 policies and procedures have been received and accepted. We will continue to enforce all of them at all of our events and thank our guests for their cooperation.
Face masks must now be worn in all inside areas and this includes our inflatable signing on tent at our airfield events for the protection of all guests and staff.
Due to the current infection rate we are still not offering helmet hire or in car instruction as this goes against government advice and we feel very strongly that it is not appropriate at this time.
Once again we would like to thank everyone, you have all been amazing.
1st August 2020
Our COVID-19 policies and procedures have been in place for events since June and have proved to be working perfectly both prior to and on event days. The online safety briefing, test and waiver are enabling guests and staff to sign on securely in the comfort of their own homes and by having the briefing online save a lot of time on the actual day. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this seemless transition.
We would like to confirm that guests are only allowed to be a passenger with someone from their own household.
In car instruction and helmet hire are not permitted at this time.
We are aware that other companies have changed their rules but as per the government guidlelines we are not.
The safety of guest and staff is far more important. Instructors are at all of our events and more than happy to talk through any issues guests have and assist in any way that they can.
12th June 2020
We are working hard to bring together all of our procedures for our events from now on. The first major change will be that the driver's briefing and signing on process will now happen online prior to you coming to the event. During the week leading up to the event all main drivers will be emailed this information. It is then up to them to forward this on to anyone who is coming to the event. Passengers (who must be from the same household) do not have do watch the briefing but them must sign the online waiver. They can make payment on the day but it will be better to have completed the signing on process in advance.
The events will of course feature a few changes too, social distancing will be implemented at all times for all guests and staff - no exceptions!
Hand sanitising stations will feature in key places although we do of course recommend you bring plenty of your own. If you are sharing a car with someone who is not in your household, the car must be fully sanitised between drivers paying special attention to key areas such as door handles, steering wheel, gear stick and seat belts.
IMPORTANT - No helmet hire on instructions is available until further notice.
Full details on all our COVID-19 procedures will be released on here very soon.
Team MSE can't wait to see you on track!
20th May 2020
Our events for June are looking more like a very realistic possibility at the moment however we will have to wait until June to be 100% certain.
The days themselves will have a different look as we implement our COVID-19 procedures and measures. We will detail these here in full prior to the first event on 19th June, however many of the procedures listed below from March will be implemented.
We have also made the decision to not offer in car tuition at any event until further notice. Instructors will however be available for advice at every event and of course happy to help at no charge.
23rd March 2020
18th March 2020
The COVID-19 situation is constantly changing, here we can keep you updated with the status concerning our track days.
Currently our events are going ahead with extra precautions to minimise risk to guests and staff. If an event is cancelled we will inform participants by email and post updates on Facebook . Calling or emailing will not give any more information than we post online, we will notify guests immediately of changes.
There are simple steps we can all take to minimise risk and be considerate of others.
1. We would advise you to bring your own anti bacterial hand sanitiser and use it regularly.At our airfield events the catering van is outside and you can take your food to your car or own space easily. At circuits we are aware that lunch slots will be longer to allow guests to spread the time they eat to minimise the numbers of guests eating at any one time. This will be explained on the day.
Final instructions including the indemnity form for all of our venues can be found here:
We urge guests to regularly wash hands and watch the government website for further information on this constantly changing situation.
Please do not bring anyone over the age of 70 or those from one of the at risk groups.
Information from the government can be found here :